heterotrophic                         glycolysis                                alcoholic fermentation

digestion                                ATP                                        Coenzyme a (Kreb's cycle)

anabolism                              NAD                                        citric acid cycle

catabolism                             FAD                                        respiratory chain

glycolysis                                respiration                              cytochrome enzymes

"high energy" bonds             lactic fermentation


9. Distinguish between the aerobic and anaerobic breakdown of glucose, citing the end products when yeast cells catabolize glucose and when muscle cells catabolize glucose.

10. Cite the chief function of ATP and NAD in metabolism.

11. Cite the three major ways in which cells handle the pyruvic acid produced by glycolysis.

12. Cite the two crucial events of cellular respiration.

13. Cite three links in the respiratory chain during which a reactant is oxidized, and say in what organelle the reaction occurs.

14. State the reactants and products of cellular respiration.

15. Cite the three places in the respiratory chain where a drop in potential yields enough energy to synthesize a molecule of ATP.

16. Cite two instances in which intermediate compounds formed during cellular respiration link glucose metabolism with the metabolism of other food molecules.

17. Cite two examples of feedback inhibition in the control of cellular respiration.

18. Cite four energy requiring activities in living organisms, and give an example of each.

19. Cite three major anabolic activities.

20. Explain why it is a good stragety to have anabolic and catabolic pathways separated.